Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Resolve to Keep Art in HeART of New Year

While year-end is a time for reflection, it is also a time to look ahead, consider new ventures, and make resolutions, too.

If you’ve ever considered volunteering your time and talents at the Woodson Art Museum, bundling those thoughts into a positive New Year’s resolution is just the thing to do. Many rewarding experiences await!

Volunteers are at the heART of the Museum’s operation. We need YOU – men, women, and teens, too – to ensure the delivery of key services that visitors have come to expect.

With a variety of volunteer opportunities available, there should be something for everyone interested in art and in extending the Museum’s hospitality to visitors. Consider these programs:

· Docents work with school and adult groups to facilitate discussion about artworks on view.

· SPARK! friends assist adults with memory loss as they engage in conversation in the galleries and hands-on art projects.

· Greeters welcome visitors by introducing the current exhibition and offering complimentary audio tours.

· Gardeners tend to heirloom plantings and thematic areas throughout the grounds.

· Toddler Tuesday volunteers facilitate art-making experiences for youngsters.

These five areas touch a range of visitors and yield many delightful rewards for volunteers, including specialized training and the satisfaction that comes from making a difference at the Art Museum.

Don’t put off your involvement at the Woodson Art Museum. Make volunteering your resolution for 2011 . . . no dieting, no sacrificing. In fact, the Museum’s talented and creative staff will provide the orientation and on-going training and you’ll be the happy beneficiary, as will all those with whom you interact.

Email me at for additional information or to join the Woodson Art Museum’s volunteer corps or call the Museum at 715-845-7010.

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