Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tea Party Appearance Marks One of Many Teen Mad Happenings

The Hatter and March Hare presided at a table set for tea last Thursday at the Woodson Art Museum. The table was a large one; it seated 27 guests, including the Hatter, March Hare, and Alice.

Alice looked around the table to see the fanciful, inventive hats created by the Little Masters and Young Artists, ages 5-12, who were guests for tea.

Alice hoped the Hatter would be on his best behavior. Of course, he was not. He kept saying Alice’s hair needed cutting. The guests wanted cookies. The Hatter said there were none, even though several plates of cookies and cakes were scattered prominently around the table.

The guests were asked to tell the Hatter riddles, but of course he didn’t know what they meant. The March Hare didn’t have the slightest idea, either. Poor Alice; she just gave up.

The Hatter and March Hare tried to sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” but sang of a bat and tea tray instead. It was a most confusing tea party for Alice. She didn’t quite know what to say, so she helped herself to some tea and cake. The young guests, though appropriately puzzled, giggled graciously and maintained their good manners most admirably.

The Teen Art Council (TAC) invites you to join them for more “Mad Happenings,” impromptu theatrical appearances, at the Woodson Art Museum on May 7, May 14, and June 4.

The Mad Tea Party is one of many adventures in the Woodson Wonderland – part of the Almost Alice and teapot exhibitions on view through June 19. For details, check the Calendar of Events on the Museum website,, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or call 715.845.7010.

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