Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I look at my life as a journey, not always smooth and uneventful but full of exciting experiences. This journey is filled with many wonderful people, each bringing special meaning to my life.  One such person is Erin Narloch, a colleague and friend.

During the past five years we have worked together as education curators at the Woodson Art Museum. Our adjoining offices fostered laughter and positive thoughts. “Work” seems to be a misleading word to describe our relationship. We had a great rapport and made a fantastic team. I can’t think of anyone else who gets as excited as I do when learning about new ways to engage visitorsor staying up late at conferences to talk about new ideas and how to implement them at the Museum.

 Erin and I traveled together to many different places for professional development and enrichment opportunities. It’s said that you can tell a lot about someone when you travel together. Working in the non-profit world and traveling with colleagues also means sharing hotel rooms. Thank goodness for Erin’s white-noise app; yes, I snore.
I wanted to write this blog entry in the present tense, because I’m in denial. Erin’s last day at the Woodson was June 3, because she’s moving to Memphis, Tennessee, with her family. I know that as Erin continues her life journey, she’ll use everything she’s learned and accomplished as a springboard. Without a doubt, it will be a successful future.

Erin, you‘ll be missed here. I want to say “thank you” for your positive attitude, excellent work ethic, attention to detail, and the sparkle you add to everyday life. It will be years before I stop saying BAM! after accomplishing something. 
I’m sending you positive thoughts as you embark on your new journey.


1 comment:

  1. Right back at you! I feel so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with you! Thanks Jayna, you brought a wide-smile to my face.

