Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Woodson Art Museum Teen Art Council

“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . . .” In reality, it has not been long ago and it’s in this galaxy that the Teen Art Council or TAC, for short, was formed.

This is TAC’s second year and the council members have great energy and fantastic ideas. The group is made up of teens from Wausau East, D.C. Everest, and Merrill high schools. Any teen is welcomed to join TAC; they just need to make a commitment to attend monthly meetings and TAC events throughout the year.

TAC’s most recent success was “Beyond the Box,” on Friday, December 9. Teens learned how to turn wood on a lathe thanks to members of the Wisconsin Valley Woodturners. Excitement filled the room, as participants created tops, pens, vases, mushrooms, and other amazing wood-turned objects.

TAC’s next venture is an exhibition developed by teens for teens!

A call for entries is going out soon and will be delivered to area high schools before winter break. The exhibition theme is SPACE, to go along with the Woodson Art Museum’s spring 2012 exhibition – NASA | ART: 50 Years of Exploration. All area high school teens, ages 13-18, are invited to create and submit artwork in any medium that reflects a personal interpretation of SPACE.

Teens should think about what SPACE means to them and how they would express the concept of SPACE in an artwork. Entries can be submitted as a digital file online through a link at between February 1 and March 31, 2012. Artworks to be exhibited will be selected by online public vote from April 10 through 20, on a specially designed SPACE exhibition page on the Woodson Art Museum’s website at All teen artists selected for SPACE receive an art supply gift package compliments of JackRicheson & Co. Fine Art Materials.

TAC and the TAC adviser wish everyone the best in their creative endeavors: “May the Force be with you.”

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