Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Let Art Move You

We’re on the move at the Woodson Art Museum.

From yoga in the galleries and box step dance demonstrations complementing recent wooden boxes exhibitions to elephant exercises during an upcoming Carnival of the Animals-themed Toddler Tuesday, staff is folding movement into the mix.

The reason is simple: moving is fun. Visiting the Woodson Art Museum should be fun, and hands-on, active programs help ensure visitors thoroughly enjoy their time here.

Moving more throughout each day also benefits many of us who, often by necessity, remain sedentary at school desks or computer workstations. (After two thirteen-hour car trips in recent days, I’m definitely ready to get moving!) Video games, television, and Facebook combine to add even more sedentary screen time to family leisure hours, as well.

At the Woodson Art Museum, though, you can:
  • Stroll through the galleries and sculpture garden.
  • See Team USA snow sculptors create DinoSNOWpia! along Twelfth Street on Thursday and Friday, February 9 and 10, 10 am - 4 pm. This year marks the 22nd year Mike Martino, Tom Queoff and Mike Sponholtz have worked their winter magic at the Museum. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to try your own creative play in the snow.
  • Join a yoga class, offered by River Flow Yoga, amid Dinotopia artworks in the galleries on Thursday morning, February 9, 10-11 am.
  • Experiment with hands-on art activities on Saturday, February 11, 1-3 pm, during a 10th Birthday Bash for Art Park, the Museum’s interactive family gallery.
And that’s just this week.

The Woodson Art Museum is participating in a national initiative, Let’s Move! Museums & Gardens, designed to encourage movement and healthy food choices. Check the Museum’s website,, for details about upcoming programs that do just that throughout the year, and discover new ways to fold the fun of movement into more of your days.

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