Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hiccup Rx: Spoonful of Sugar or Hold Breath?

By Matt Foss
During the course of a major construction project a few hiccups can be inevitable. In fact, some construction projects are beset by hiccups, as was the Looney Tunes stork, who hiccupped throughout his delivery of new arrivals. Luckily for the Woodson Art Museum, the weather has been cooperative, the Samuels Group - our general contractor - is outstanding, all the subcontractors have been on the same page, and most of the materials have arrived on time and ready for installation.

One noticeable exception is the brick for the siding. If you live near, have visited, or driven past the Museum in the past month, you’ve noticed the bright, lime green sheeting on all exterior surfaces in preparation for the brick. While the new addition might be fluorescent green now, the brick siding will be a beautiful mix of light browns and dark reds, selected to match the existing main entrance.

Unfortunately, between the choosing of the right pattern and the drying and firing of the brick, delivery of the material was delayed. Other work has continued to progress, including mechanical, electrical, and plumbing rough-ins, erection of interior studs, and demolition to parts of the existing building. Throughout the coming weeks the Kryptonite-colored exterior gradually will recede as it’s covered by the brick siding.

While the Museum staff’s obsequious nature makes us shudder at the notion of the current façade bothering our guests or neighbors, we know the choice of brick will be aesthetically pleasing and complement the existing building quite nicely. Here’s hoping this is the last major hiccup during the project!

Editor’s note: Matt Foss is overseeing a variety of projects at the Woodson Art Museum. 

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