Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Afterglow

By Kathy Foley, Director

There is no resting on laurels at the Woodson Art Museum . . . certainly not when it comes to Birds in Art!

Within forty-eight hours of saying our goodbyes to seventy-three 2012 Birds in Art artists and their guests, the Museum team was cloistered in our library meeting room reviewing – micromanaging? – and dissecting each and every exhibition and opening weekend detail. Suffice it to say, preparations are already underway for next year’s Birds in Art exhibition.

Concurrently, we’re hearing from artists as well as visitors about their 2012 exhibition and opening weekend experiences, and the feedback does make our hearts sing.

Check out the Museum’s Facebook page for a sampling as well as links to extensive – and quite remarkable – blog posts by participating artists.

It would be easy to let enthusiastic comments and over-the-top praise go to our collective heads, but as I began this post and steadfastly maintain, the Woodson Art Museum team does not rest on its laurels.

The wildly positive comments and feedback actually make us work even harder . . . 2013, here we come!

PS. We’re interested in your comments, too. Let us hear from you.

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