Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Window on Woodcarving

The three-day Wildfowl Woodcarving Workshop taught by northern Illinois woodcarver and veteran teacher Bob Guge, November 2 – 4, mesmerized Woodson Art Museum visitors who dropped in to watch the nine participants working on their projects.

“Visitors walked around and were awed by it,” said workshop participant Susan Meyer, adding that witnessing the woodcarving process deepens appreciation for artwork on view in the 2012 Birds in Art exhibition.

Gary Tielens traveled nearly two hours to attend the workshop, one of many he’s taken from Guge.

“He has a wealth of knowledge, and I always learn something new and valuable from him,” Tielens said.

A retired dentist whose goal is to create his own woodcarving designs and enter competitions, Tielens said he especially enjoyed learning about blending and using paints to complete the carved birds.

“You recognize areas you need to try to improve,” Tielens said. “A workshop challenges you to make the next step.”

Here are a few more photos from the Birds in Wood workshop.

Is there a workshop you'd like the Woodson Art Museum to offer?


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