Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Love Is in the Air

By Kathy Kelsey Foley, Director

Valentine’s Day is three weeks away, but I’m already feeling the love.

In fact, “love” is a theme that permeates our Woodson Wanderings’ posts. We love our work; we love this program and that, and the participants who bring wide-ranging experiences to the table; we love the opportunities we are offered – from attending conferences to considering artworks for the collection; and we love hearing what visitors think and how they react to exhibitions.

There isn’t much we don’t love. (I even love Brussels sprouts!)

Museum work is not for everyone – even though all of us at the Woodson Art Museum love it. It does require quite a bit of juggling, and for those of us who like to keep multiple balls concurrently in the air, the museum environment is perfect.

What I mean by this is that in order to keep projects flowing and moving forward, we’re always working months and even years ahead.

Case in point: this is an installation week. Two fabulous new exhibitions – Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami and Calvin Nicholls: Paper Sculpture by Design – will open on Saturday, and I’m confident that I’m going to love both.

Why? Because we’ve been working on developing the programming, graphics, audio tour, and more for many months, and I’ve also had the pleasure of a sneak peak as artworks for these exhibitions have been unpacked. (Another thing I love about my work!)

I’m thinking blog readers – and all visitors this winter – are going to love the origami and paper sculpture exhibitions, too. Hasten to the Museum on opening day – Saturday, January 26, Noon to 5:00 p.m. – to not only get a first look, but also to meet Wisconsin Public Radio host and origami artist Ruthanne Bessman and participate in “Flock to Fold,” a community art project that will grow with your help between now and April 7.

Think cranes. Think fun. Think you’re going to love this, too!

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