Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Paper Cuts with Calvin Nicholls

by Andy McGivern, curator of exhibitions

If you follow the Woodson Art Museum’s social media, you’ve seen Facebook and Twitter posts, photos, and links to news coverage of Canadian artist Calvin Nicholls’ weeklong residency that concluded Saturday.

Calivin is a sculptor who makes low-relief sculptures by cutting out shapes of paper, forming them, and gluing the pieces together to create visually stunning sculptures with wonderful textures presented in shadowbox frames.

During the week, he led many central Wisconsin school groups during their Woodson Art Museum visits, and on Thursday evening he gave an Art History 101 presentation followed by a hands-on project in which Calvin guided participants in making a paper owl.

About 90 visitors flocked to the program, so I filmed Nicholls’ demonstration and projected it on a screen behind him so the audience in the back could see. Here are three video segments of Calvin’s presentation and two clips of the artist demonstrating how he makes his sculptures. Enjoy!

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