Thursday, March 8, 2012

Celebrate Youth Art Month

March is Youth Art Month and the Woodson Art Museum is celebrating in many ways.

Last weekend, the Museum hosted a reception for the opening of the 35th annual Student Art Exhibition showcasing artwork of north central Wisconsin students in grades 9-12. Visitors congratulated and supported the next generation of artists and enjoyed their creative efforts. Be sure to see the students' artwork, on view through April 1.

Also this month, 715 Wausau 4K students visit the Museum to see Dinotopia and engage in an art-making experience. Dinosaur shapes come to life as the students individualize them with vibrant colors. These student artworks will be on display during a 4K Family Night, March 13, from 6-7:30 pm. 
Museum educator Catie Anderson and I celebrate Youth Art Month by taking art on the road, literally, as we head off daily to Edgar schools in the Museum’s white van, loaded with supplies. Catie and I and our intern, Michelle Stone, are overseeing after-school outreach, March 6-9. Their daily art-making efforts with pre-K through eighth-grade students and their families focus on creating an entrance for the Missoula Children’s Theater production of the Tortoise and the Hare to be presented at the end of March.

I continue to take art on the road when I transport the north central region students’ artworks to Madison on March 18 and help hang an exhibition in the Capitol Rotunda. The exhibition organized by the Wisconsin Art Education Association to celebrate Youth Art Month remains on view through March 30.

The Youth Art Month celebration extends throughout the spring at the Woodson Art Museum. The Museum’s Teen Art Council is organizing SPACE: A Teen Art Exhibition. Teens are invited to consider what space means to them and how they would express the concept of space in an artwork. Space has many definitions and teens are being asked to interpret the word through their artwork.

All entries must be submitted by March 31 and will be posted online anonymously. Two dozen artworks will be selected by an online public vote, April 10 – April 20. SPACE: A Teen Art Exhibition will be displayed at the Woodson Art Museum May 1 – June 3. A reception for artists, friends, and family will be held on Friday, May 11, 6 – 8pm, to celebrate the creative efforts of the artists as well as the organizational efforts of the Teen Art Council.

Keep celebrating, supporting, and encouraging the value of art education for children of all ages throughout March and beyond!

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