Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thirty-five Years and Going Strong

In April 1979, during my interview for a position at the Woodson Art Museum, I had a brief glimpse of that year’s Student Art Exhibition as it was being sorted and packed for return to the dozens of art teachers who entered their students’ work. I stood awestruck in a room surrounded by paintings, pottery, photographs, and sculptures. Clearly, the students and teachers took pride in their efforts.
A few years later (yes, I got the job), I became the coordinator of the yearly event. Since then I have met hundreds of students and art teachers. What remains clear is the commitment of teachers to the creative process. Each year, as I stand in the galleries following the installation, I am again astounded by the insightful self-portraits, colorful oil paintings, funky ceramic pots, and experimental photography, celebrating successful collaborative efforts.
The Woodson Art Museum also plays an important role in this process, providing the venue that displays these creations. Each March, the Student Art Exhibition graces several galleries at the Museum, joining the nationwide celebration of Youth Art Month. On Saturday, March 3, parents, grandparents, siblings, and extended family joined the young artists and teachers for an art-filled celebration. Dozens of people strolled through the galleries, each unmistakably proud of “their” artist’s work.

These images provide a glimpse of the artwork of incredibly talented students. Nothing replaces a firsthand experience, so make sure to stop in soon and enjoy. This year’s exhibition is on view through April 1, 2012.

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